If It Wasn’t Because Kopko Season 1 Episode 66: Goodnight

I was home sick watching TV. I was watching my favorite channel “Wigtoons network” and it said that a new episode of “if it wasn’t because kopko” was coming on. I got broad because i hated that show it had too much fanboy and chum chum humor It came on a loop of screaming played then it showed that scary image that everybody likes… I jumped at the sight then kopko came on he had that creepy smile on his face a lullaby came up
“Bring me the end… bring me the sun
bring my baby to me… i can’t live with out suffer..
help me HELP ME!”
then after that a picture of a lady with no eyes came on i felt sick at the sight.
then I ran to the bathroom I looked in the mirror a morbid version of himself was in the mirror I ran out of the bathroom the TV displayed a picture of a bloody pile I got scared and ran out of the house before the monster chased him and got him and ate him.